Monday, December 21, 2009

Whats New with us you ask?....

not much. But, since I haven't updated in awhile, I will try to
make us look like we have been up to something!
Here goes.....
I made cute ties for these two cute boys.

Madden loves the tub... and the mirror... and both together is the best!

Dad got an early Christmas present, this lovely Landcruiser. He is in love, I think he almost likes it more than his wife... Sad, but true:)

I have two kids who love bottles. I will take them away before they start kindergarten,
I promise!

The kids love watching movies in Papa's theatre! We love it too... lots cheaper, and better seats!
Ryder upgraded to a big boy booster seat!
(and lately isn't enjoying pictures at all)

and me? I am doing laundry. At least it seems thats all I do. Who knew 4 people could go through that many clothes each day. I don't mind washing it, but I sure hate folding and ironing... and thats why this pile usually lasts awhile.
(Ryder likes hiding in it too)

We are doing good, and really excited for Christmas. Have a great one if I don't post before!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Madden the cowboy

Am I just prejudice or is this the cutest dang thing ever? I love this little one! 

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Halloween, a little late...

We had a really Fun halloween. It just gets better with more kids. And since Ryder wanted to be Buzz Lightyear, I had to make Madden Woody. And then I thought I better be Jessie, it just seemed to fit. Ryder insisted that Erik be Zurg. For those who don't know Zurg, he is Buzz' enemy.... Anyway, we had fun, and even won the prize at our ward party. Hope you all had a good Halloween. 

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Six Months Already.

I can't believe Madden is 6 months. Time has gone SO fast. He already in trying to crawl, eating food (sweet potatoes and squash are his favorites!), and his first tooth came through a couple days ago. He is such a happy baby. He LOVES his big brother! We Love Madden.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

the dreaded SWINE FLU....

and so it came. We knew it would. I have to blog about it since this is like my journal, and I am sure 50 years down the road, I will want to remember this stupid flu. 

Erik went to the Doctor on Saturday, he was sick all night Friday and so I made him go. Just to be sure. Nope, not swine flu. Just a sinus infection. He was really sick, sicker then I thought you should get with a sinus infection, but what do I know?

Four days later, Ryder starts with the same symptoms. Cough, really high fever, like really high, like 104. I decide to take him in to the doctor, just to find them swamped with patients, most of whom are wearing masks and coughing their heads off.  Great. If he doesn't have something, I am sure we'll leave with something. 

Not strep, not sinus infection. He throws up on the doctor when she swabs his throat, his nose starts gushing blood all over when she swabs his nose. It was a mess. When she comes back in she says, yep, he has it. Influenza A. 

So is it swine flu or is it not? She said we could send him to the hospital for blood work, but that 90% were coming back positive. I decide thats a good enough answer for me, I can't imagine doing blood work on Ryder. Not that day anyway. 

Home we went with Tamiflu, and a huge worry that my five month old will end up with it. And sure enough, he did, about 3 days later. And after a trip to the ER, and another prescription for tamiflu, he is recovering. They are supposedly contagious for 8 days, so here we are, cooped up at home. 

I am loving the cuddly baby and three year old that wants to actually hold still for more then 10 seconds, but,  I hate swine flu. ~

Friday, October 9, 2009

Family Pics

so, we had some pictures taken. On my parents side. The whole gang. They turned out really cute, especially since there are 13 little ones !

Aimee Broadbent took them, she did a great job! 

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

He is eating.... FOOD.

My little man is growing WAY to fast! For the past month or so, as soon as we all sit down at the dinner table Madden starts crying, like screaming. It has been so frustrating because either me or Erik just have to stand up with him. Well, it was bugging me so I decided to just start feeding him. Well, problem solved. Poor kid was crying out to us to FEED HIM. He started rice, oatmeal and is sailing on to squash. And he loves it all... :)

Sunday, September 27, 2009


We are SO boring! I haven't blogged in FoReVeR! So unlike me. I guess we are just boring. Really, we haven't been up to much of anything. 
I feel like we stay home alot. I am trying to prepare for winter, like I am a mouse or bear or something. I have bottled peaches, pears, tomatos, pickles. Made strawberry and peach jam, not to mention some baby food for little Madden in a few months. Just call me the Little Red Hen. :)
Is anyone else worrying about the swine flu? I am. TOO much I might add. I can't quit thinking about it, I am sure Erik is sick of my daily plan to prevent it. 
Ryder and Madden are doing good. Growing. Ryder had his 3 year check up and had a huge growth spurt. He was in the 80th percentile for his height! And Madden, he is 5 months, and cute as ever. He can roll over and he now eats cereal. 
Ryder is really into Toy Story and is going to be Buzz Lightyear for halloween. If you ask, he says he is being 'bud light'. I am sure we will laugh about that for awhile :) Madden will be a cute Woody to go along with Buzz.
Well, theres an update! I will try to be better~

Saturday, September 5, 2009

We're still blogging...

although I must admit, Facebook has got me a little addiction problem. I do prefer this blog, since it is way more personal, and I don't feel like it is quite as big stalking thing. Anywho... 

Ryder brought me a snake in the house a few days ago. I was standing in the kitchen and he came in the back garage door. He was wearing Erik's big leather work gloves, and holding a snake. Not a huge one, but a snake. A SNAKE. I immediatly start screaming, get outside, get out of the house. Ryder had this look on his face like I was the biggest baby. He says, "mom, its just a garden snake." I had to laugh, and then I had to scream, and then I think I peed my pants. We took the snake outside, and Ryder put it in his sandbox. (I guess he's been playing with it in there for a while..) YUCK. We had a little talk about snakes, like DON'T BRING THEM IN THE HOUSE EVER! 

and other then that we are pretty boring. Ryder and Madden have colds, and of course Ryder's is bad due to asthma. We are pretty couped up in the house, and are trying to get used to it since I plan on staying in all winter~

Monday, August 24, 2009

rock star.

my Ryder is headed for fame. Watch out ladies, this little man might be a superstar.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Just something to post about...

okay, this is random. Me and Erik were watching Saturday Night Live. They had a segment where they talked in a 'secret twin language'. Do any of you remember doing something like that when we we were little. I swear I remember. Erik thinks its crazy. In my mind it went something like this. long e tong, mong e, tong e tong, mong e, king nong o wong. (let me know!) ~yes, I realize Erik is probably right. I am crazy. :)

Thursday, August 13, 2009

and another photo shoot...

I took pictures of the Steele Grandkids yesterday. They turned out pretty good I think. I had to mentally prepare myself for a little bit of chaos since these 3 boys can be quite a handful. Madden turned out being the difficult one, but all in all we had a pretty successful picture day! Thanks Boys for being so good :)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

August Already....!

Is Summer almost over? I can't even believe how fast the time seems to fly. I feel like I just had Madden, and its already been more then 3 months. We've been keeping busy with 
get-to-gethers, family in town, birthdays, and lots of summer time stuff. Here's a little update in pictures.... enjoy.

Sweet Baby Boy.
Best Friends sittin on the porch
Cheese. Will they ever both look at the same time?!
Happy Little Man.
Even happier Little Man.
And a more serious face. Still darling I think.
We had a little friend get-together at our house. Can you believe all these cute kids belong to us?? Poor Hattie the only girl. She doesn't look like she minds :)
Em, Jyl, Brindee, Kara, Jessie and Heidi. 
We need to do this more often!
Ryder's cousin from Arizona came last week. He loved her.
 Her name is Bella Jane. He talked about her everyday. He called her Bella Jane-a. 
They played really cute together, he was sad to see her go :(

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Happy, Happy Birthday....

Happy Birthday to Ryder!
I can't believe he is Three!
Here is the long awaited Fire Truck Cake, he's been talking about it for at least 6 months:) I think it turned out pretty darn good. It was a lot of work, but totally worth it when I saw his face! He LOVED it!
He got a Fire truck City. It folds up into a fire truck, he was quite excited!
A couple other presents....
we had a fun day at the Dinosaur Park... Ryder's not really into dinosaurs, but he had fun. He loved digging in the sand, and playing on the big dinosaur slide.. and he got to play with his friends, Landen and Porter. Thanks guys:)
Yea! he got a wheel billow (thats how Ryder says it!)
My little fireman
Happy Birthday!

and I had to throw those last pictures in... this is one funny kid! I can't seem to ever stop laughing at him. He is so special to me, and I am grateful to have him in our family! We love you Ryder... hope your special day was lots of fun!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

good days... bad days...

so, can I say... we hate mosquitos. Ryder always reacts to their stupid bites. And I am talking bad reactions, like go to the Dr. for a mosquito bite reactions. 

One got his forehead this last week. Day 1, not so bad, just a bite. Day 2, swelling starts. Night of Day 2, where did Ryder go? This doesn't look like my son. Day 3, Oh my heck, what happened to your son? (reply from EVERYONE). I go to see Erik at work, he insists that I go to the Doc. Well, all we find out is Ryder is severely allergic to the nasty little bugs. She said every bite he gets will get worse. Whats a mom to do? I can't lock him inside, and man, I guess we live in the WRONG place. Plain City is breeding ground for Mosquitos. Day 4, looking a little better, Dad still says he looks like Kyle Korver's kid. Today, finally Ryder is back! 

On another note... who knew that a $10 kiddie pool could make a boy so happy? I would've invested in this gem long ago if I'd known. 

And, we picked, well, Ryder picked the first cucumbers out of the garden. Notice the size... looks like they could've used a few more days. or weeks. But he was so excited!

Finally, happy 3 month birthday to my sweet Madden. How lucky am I to get another angel child? He is so mellow and happy. and not to mention, really cute!

wouldn't it be nice to be this mellow?
Look mom.... CUCUMBERS!
check out that farmer's tan!
I love this :)
swollen face. this isn't as bad as it got, but I felt mean taking pictures of the miserable kid!