Tuesday, August 4, 2009

August Already....!

Is Summer almost over? I can't even believe how fast the time seems to fly. I feel like I just had Madden, and its already been more then 3 months. We've been keeping busy with 
get-to-gethers, family in town, birthdays, and lots of summer time stuff. Here's a little update in pictures.... enjoy.

Sweet Baby Boy.
Best Friends sittin on the porch
Cheese. Will they ever both look at the same time?!
Happy Little Man.
Even happier Little Man.
And a more serious face. Still darling I think.
We had a little friend get-together at our house. Can you believe all these cute kids belong to us?? Poor Hattie the only girl. She doesn't look like she minds :)
Em, Jyl, Brindee, Kara, Jessie and Heidi. 
We need to do this more often!
Ryder's cousin from Arizona came last week. He loved her.
 Her name is Bella Jane. He talked about her everyday. He called her Bella Jane-a. 
They played really cute together, he was sad to see her go :(


The Stanger Fam said...

The summer goes by so fast doesn't it? It was fun to get together with everyone at your house - thanks for having us all over and our kids all over!! Madden looks so happy in all those pictures - cute!

HeiDi SpeNdLoVe said...

I know, August already! What the heck! Thanks for having us over. That definitely is something we need to do more often. Trey had so much fun playing with Ryder and all the other boys. He is still talking about all of the tractors he got to play with. We need to get them together to play more often. Such cute boys! :)