Monday, December 21, 2009

Whats New with us you ask?....

not much. But, since I haven't updated in awhile, I will try to
make us look like we have been up to something!
Here goes.....
I made cute ties for these two cute boys.

Madden loves the tub... and the mirror... and both together is the best!

Dad got an early Christmas present, this lovely Landcruiser. He is in love, I think he almost likes it more than his wife... Sad, but true:)

I have two kids who love bottles. I will take them away before they start kindergarten,
I promise!

The kids love watching movies in Papa's theatre! We love it too... lots cheaper, and better seats!
Ryder upgraded to a big boy booster seat!
(and lately isn't enjoying pictures at all)

and me? I am doing laundry. At least it seems thats all I do. Who knew 4 people could go through that many clothes each day. I don't mind washing it, but I sure hate folding and ironing... and thats why this pile usually lasts awhile.
(Ryder likes hiding in it too)

We are doing good, and really excited for Christmas. Have a great one if I don't post before!


Shiloh and Bob Willey said...

I just don't iron- I pop it back into the dryer and hope it takes the wrinkles out!!

Shiloh and Bob Willey said...

I just don't iron- I pop it back into the dryer and hope it takes the wrinkles out!!

The Stanger Fam said...

Cute little ties Jess! My laudry looks like that quite often too - I think everyone's does. In my dream home, I'd have 2 washers and 2 driers!! Maybe that would keep all the laundry under control?!