Tuesday, July 21, 2009

good days... bad days...

so, can I say... we hate mosquitos. Ryder always reacts to their stupid bites. And I am talking bad reactions, like go to the Dr. for a mosquito bite reactions. 

One got his forehead this last week. Day 1, not so bad, just a bite. Day 2, swelling starts. Night of Day 2, where did Ryder go? This doesn't look like my son. Day 3, Oh my heck, what happened to your son? (reply from EVERYONE). I go to see Erik at work, he insists that I go to the Doc. Well, all we find out is Ryder is severely allergic to the nasty little bugs. She said every bite he gets will get worse. Whats a mom to do? I can't lock him inside, and man, I guess we live in the WRONG place. Plain City is breeding ground for Mosquitos. Day 4, looking a little better, Dad still says he looks like Kyle Korver's kid. Today, finally Ryder is back! 

On another note... who knew that a $10 kiddie pool could make a boy so happy? I would've invested in this gem long ago if I'd known. 

And, we picked, well, Ryder picked the first cucumbers out of the garden. Notice the size... looks like they could've used a few more days. or weeks. But he was so excited!

Finally, happy 3 month birthday to my sweet Madden. How lucky am I to get another angel child? He is so mellow and happy. and not to mention, really cute!

wouldn't it be nice to be this mellow?
Look mom.... CUCUMBERS!
check out that farmer's tan!
I love this :)
swollen face. this isn't as bad as it got, but I felt mean taking pictures of the miserable kid!


HeiDi SpeNdLoVe said...

Poor Ryder. Trey is super allergic to mosquito bites too. You should see the kid swell up. I have found that if I rub him down with dryer sheets before he goes outside, he rarely gets bit. My pediatrician recommended to use them. Anyway, Madden is such a cutie and growing so fast. 3 months already??? Time flies...

Kami @ Sweet Charli... said...

Poor little Ryder! At least now you will know what makes him happy when he's sad...the pool! And I guess it's been too long since we've seen Madden. He is so big!

Maeg said...

Hey Jess, I would totally be up for that...let me know if you decide you want to! Maybe then it wouldn't be so boring! 801-920-2310.

Unknown said...

Flat landers have to worry about mosquitos! Ha!

Hope Ryder gets better. Maybe you should get him one of those "Off" things that you hang from your belt? Have you seen those.

Emily said...

We found out that mosquitos don't migrate as much as you'd think. Steve keeps our lawn sprayed during the summer and the little pests aren't nearly as bad. Also, did you know that you pay for mosquito abatement on your property taxes? So, you can call them and have them come and bug bomb your yard or place mosquito eating fish if you have a pond or standing water in your wet lands. You've already paid for it, might as well take advantage.
sorry so long. Good luck!