Wednesday, October 29, 2008

We're having a BOY!

Yay, we are so excited.... our little baby is a boy! Ryder knew all along, and he is really happy to be getting a brother. He keeps saying, 'he play trains with me'. He can't wait:) Last night he kissed my tummy and said, 'Mom, get baby out!" He was pretty upset that he couldn't come then! It might be a long 6 more months:) We are trying to decide on a name for this little guy. I like to have a name right away so I can actually call the baby something. We have a few in mind, but nothing set in stone. We like Jett, Cruz, Hazen, Hinckley, and Madden. Ryder is calling the baby Madden. That might end up being the name since Ryder is dead set on it. It is almost like when I mentioned it around Ryder, he already knew that it was his brother. It is kinda wierd... whenever we suggest something else, he says, 'no, my madden.' So we'll see. I'm not sure its unique enough for me. Let me know what you guys think??

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Little Fireman

Ryder is such a cute little fireman! I actually had bought him a darling Pirate costume for this year, but he was having nothing to do with it. He wanted to be a fireman, and for those of you who have little kids this age, you know that they usually get exactly what they want! Well, I decided to make him a cute fireman (all the ones I found were really cheesy), I think it turned out pretty cute, and he couldn't be happier!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

We're excited to tell everybody that Baby Steele is coming the First of May! Ryder is excited too (we think). He keeps saying 'big brother'! We think he'll be a great one. We'll keep ya posted on the growth (which is already happening pretty quickly:)