Monday, March 28, 2011

Twin Cousins

Meet Olivia Love & Jett Jakob

I don't think I ever posted about these cute little twin cousins. Me and Kami (Jordan's wife) had our babies on the same day! What are the odds? We joked about it the whole 9 months, and then it really happened! It was a fun day, we even got to be next door neighbors at the hospital!

Two cute little babes that will share the same birthday! Today they are One Month!

One Month

I can't even believe it has been a month. Where does the time go? I feel like I had him yesterday. I'd better not blink, or he will be 20. We sure do love our little Jett.

Monday, March 21, 2011


I swear, sometimes it feels like I am always feeding this new little one. The other two are constantly pulling at me and needing a sippy, a snack, to play a game, help in the bathroom, candy, a movie on, a story read,
a movie on....
Today I stepped back and took a few minutes to play the Wii with Ryder, and read our favorite tractor book with Madden. I love these boys so much. They have been so good the past 3 weeks while I have had to spend a little extra time with little Jett.

Aren't they 3 of the most handsome boys you've ever seen?
I sure think so.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A Baby Story

Every mom has to tell it. The story of their little one's birth. Here is ours.

Sunday the 27th I woke up at midnight. I was having a few contractions. Nothing Major, and nothing that I thought could be the real deal. Now, I did do 40 jumping jacks on Sunday to TRY and get labor moving along... Maybe they worked. Hey, I haven't EVER in my whole life done 40 jumping jacks!

Well, I sat on the couch and waited. Watched the Wonder Years a few times. A few more contractions, and then I woke Erik up. I told him lets just go, I knew they wouldn't send me home since I was already dililated to a 4+. I debated for about another hour before I called my mom. She was at our house in 20 minutes.

On the way to McKay I was secretly praying that the contractions continue. I think I acted like I was in a little more pain then I was, but I was going to have the baby for sure! No getting sent home for me :)

In the ER they tried to get me in a wheelchair. I said I would walk. We got to Labor and Delivery and they got me all hooked up. Good thing we went because REAL contractions started pretty soon after we got there! I was a 5 and on my way to have a baby!

I had my epidural, which didn't really work :( They came 3 times and tried to make it better, but I could still feel too much. Then, my doc Machel (who I absolutely LOVE) came and broke my water at about 6 AM, and everything else went pretty quick. I pushed about 2 times, and Jett was here. All 8 lb and 13 oz. I couldn't believe it when I saw him on the scale! How did I have a baby that big?!

Everything else went really good, He immediatly wanted to eat. And thats about all he has done since :) I had a hard time recovering right after I had him. After pains were horrible, and if its true that they get worse with each baby, then we are probably done. I wanted to curl up in a ball on the floor and die. No pain meds touched it, and I had a good 3-4 hours of screaming, bawling, crying and cussing. Erik had to go, I think it was a side of me he didn't want to ever see :) Luckilly, my dad and Erik gave me a blessing. I know its the only thing that got me through! By about the 2nd day I was feeling much better! Boo to after Pains. Why can't you keep the epidural till you leave the hospital?!

So there you have it! Another baby story!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Life with Three.

Crazy. Exciting. Tired. CRAZY. Lots of Laundry. Lots of diapers. No Sleep. Fun. Great. The Best.

I am adjusting to three. It has taken a few weeks, but I feel like Jett has been a part of our family forever. Three was easier then two, at least I think so. Heck, whats one more right?! Things are going good, Jett is growing fast, and since he never really looked like a newborn baby, its already making me a little sad :) Ryder and Madden adore him, and are constantly trying to HELP me. Madden likes to hold his hand, and tells me 'Baby Cute'. Ryder just likes to hold him and tell him lots of stories about Power Rangers!