Saturday, March 14, 2009

I need your AdViCe!!

Okay, I need help. As much as I hate to admit it, I am really struggling with my sweet little boy. I am sure I am not the only one in the world with a really wild 2 and 1/2 year old that doesn't share or listen, but man, I sure feel like I'm alone on this one. I thought I was an okay parent, but now I feel more like we could really benefit by having super nanny come pay us a visit. Ryder sometimes is an angel, but sometimes, just the opposite. I am not a real stickler on punishment (probably my #1 problem.), but I am curious to know what works for you other moms out there. What do you do? Any advice to get me through these terrible twos would be greatly appreciated!


Camille said...

I don't have any advice for you...sorry! I'm guessing your nursery visit didn't go so great. I think you're a great mom, so don't get discouraged, I'm sure he's just a typical little boy! I want to come see your new nursery and learn how to make an I spy bag!

Camille said...

Erika wants to look at your blog. Her e-mail is Thanks!

Shelece & Josh said...

Oh my, I have the exact same situation! Jaren is almost three now and just starting to grow out of it. I think it just takes time. You are a wonderful mom! Never doubt yourself on that one.

Anonymous said...

Jessie, I just wanted to let you know that you are not alone! I struggle with this same problem. My youngest is almost 3 and I have a really hard time getting him to listen and share. He is really busy and has so much energy. I also have a hard time disciplining him. I have found that it's easier to discipline with his toys. If a toy causes a problem (like he won't share, or hits his older brother with it, etc.) then I put the toy in time out. So far, it seems to be helping. I don't know if this will help you, but I thought I'd share since I know how it feels to have a wild 2 year old. Sometimes being a mom is so hard, I wish there was a handbook to tell you exactly what to do!

Kalani said...

Stick with it and be consistent! YOu do a GREAT job with ryder- I know it can be frustrating- I promise we have all been there. My most favorite advice is love and logic- I love it!! it takes all the frustration out of it. My friend has the cd's if you want I will ask her if you can borrow them- they are great!!!

Emily said...

Ditto on the Love and Logic. It made a huge difference in our household of bUsY bOyS. (The Uh-Oh song is truly golden, you'll see what I mean) Otherwise, hang in there, your son is learning more from you than you think.