Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Baby Update & Other Stuff..

Well, yesterday I went to the doctor cause I pretty much felt like I was in LaBoR! I was hurting so bad I couldn't walk without crossing my legs. I felt like the baby was falling out! (not a fun feeling) Well, I got checked. I was dialated to a 2 and 80% effaced. I am still a bit too early to deliver, and after dealing with having Ryder at 36 weeks and going through the NICU and all that, I am perfectly happy to carry this baby to 40+ weeks :) I am not sure that is going to happen, but for now I am camping out on the couch and not moving much. (except to take Ryder to the bathroom, which he learned real quick will get me up and moving fast!) On another note.... I finally gave in and rented Twilight. I decided I needed to find out what all this hype was about. No, I've never read the book, and honestly, the thought of vampires sorta creep me out. So, I never got into the whole thing. Well, I rented it, and watched it. I was right... it did creep me out. Who would let their 10 year old girls see that?? Wow. Now, it wasn't that bad, just wierd. and depressing and dark. And I guess I must be the only girl in the world who isn't madly in love with Edward! I'm not really into the white skin and red lips. So there ya have it, my Twilight review. I hope I don't upset anyone:)


Angie said...

Hey Jess let me know if you need any help with Ryder. He can come over and play and I can take him to the bathroom. I am doing much better, so let me know if I can help. By the way, I haven't read any of the Twilight books, and I haven't seen the movie either. I don't understand it all either!

Cami said...

Sorry you've been feeling terrible! If you need anything let me know! About Twilight...I did read it. It took me a while to finally give in and do it but I did. I don't really love the vampire thing either I think that's why it took me so long to finally read it. I really liked it and the movie. However, I do not understand all of the obsession over it. Why can't we just like something and leave it at that? I liked it but I'm not buying a "Team Edward" shirt anytime soon! The Wal-Mart out here has a whole twilight clothing section. Purses, shirts, etc. What the heck? It's bizarre! (Whoa sorry for going off. Haha!)

The Stanger Fam said...

Hey Jess, let me know if you need anything!! When I was on bedrest people just brought me sick people food, like soup, and I was pregnant - hello? I was starving, so let me know if you need a good meal or whatever! I'm with ya on the whole vampire thing, I didn't read the books and I don't think I ever will!

Loveless Fam said...

Yeah!! Someone else who is against the whole twilight thing. I read the first chapter of the book because everyone said it was so good and to be honest I couldn't get into to. I don't even plan on watching the movie unless I get really bored and all the other movies are rented. Hope you get feeling better and keep that baby cookin for a little longer!

Adam and Ashley said...

Your not the only girl who thinks the whole vampire thing is wierd. I haven't read the books either and I haven't seen the movie. I might see it one day, but I'm not going to run out and get it. Hope that baby keeps cookin for your sake.