Friday, June 12, 2009

Poor Boy.

Yesterday Ryder tripped running into the kitchen :( not really any harder of a fall then usual.. but when he tried to stand he just fell. Then he cried and cried.... and cried. His foot started swelling and he was limping pretty bad. I thought we better get it checked, even though I was sure they would just think I was super paranoid and tell me it was bruised. Well, at the hospital he got an X-ray. We prepped him by telling him they were gunna take a picture of his bone. He had to bring his camera too. We have lots of blurry pictures of the waiting room! Then we headed to his doctor. She came in and said it wasn't broken, but the bone had bowed. So it is arched now. She said it would probably snap if they don't cast it :( They couldn't cast it till the swelling went down, so right now it is in like a partial cast. In one week if it is still arched, then he has to get a cast. We are crossing our fingers that it looks better, cause so far its been 1 day, and he wants 'THIS BOOT OFF'. wish us luck.  by the way, he immediatly figured out how to pedal his bike with 1 foot. he is quite a kid!
of course we had to put YELLOW bandaids all over the hurt foot :)
waiting for his x-ray
still waiting, and being very brave too!
his bike makes it all better!


Kami @ Sweet Charli... said...

oh my gosh, why am i just barely hearing about this? ryder...poor guy! hope he gets feeling better!

Emily said...

What a resilient little guy! Amazing what a bike can do for a sad boy. Wishing you luck with the "Boot".

The Stanger Fam said...

Yikes! Hope it all works out and he doesn't have to get a cast! No fun for any of you I bet. But that is pretty funny that he is all about still riding his bike - totally all boy!