Monday, March 21, 2011


I swear, sometimes it feels like I am always feeding this new little one. The other two are constantly pulling at me and needing a sippy, a snack, to play a game, help in the bathroom, candy, a movie on, a story read,
a movie on....
Today I stepped back and took a few minutes to play the Wii with Ryder, and read our favorite tractor book with Madden. I love these boys so much. They have been so good the past 3 weeks while I have had to spend a little extra time with little Jett.

Aren't they 3 of the most handsome boys you've ever seen?
I sure think so.


Loveless Fam said...

Cute boys. You know I have 2 cute girls that are going to need some cute boys some day! I can't wait to meet your new addition. We should be in Utah this July. Loved the baby story and yes 3 is crazy and fun all at the same time! 4 is a whirlwind of excitement all the time.

Jordan & Kara said...

Your boys are so dang cute!!!