Friday, January 16, 2009

I can't help myself....

Okay, so I crave donuts. All the time. Since yesterday, I have wolfed down three. I know, I have to gain some control over this. To make things worse, we went to Tasty's for dinner. (YUM, I LOVE IT, and yes I make Erik drive me to Layton quite often for these wonderful little treats) We were like the last people there before close, and I finished my food and donut, and I really couldn't even think about leaving without taking some donuts to go. So I ask the girl if I can get a few to take home. She says, well, we throw them all away so how many do you want?? Are you KIDDING ME? wrong thing to ask a big pregnant woman. I wanted so bad to say, just box um all up, I'll take them all, but I can see Erik in the corner of my eye, and I can tell he is sooo embarrassed... So, I left with 3 donuts. I just feel so bad all the rest went to waste. Watch out Tasty's, I might be stopping by ever night about 6:55PM!
(p.s.... my favorite is just like the picture, white cake, white frosting, sprinkles... how pathetic)

1 comment:

Maeg said...

You go girl! I say if you are walking around with a baby in your stomach for nine months you deserve donuts!