Wednesday, November 26, 2008

baby BOY`update :)

Well, we went to the doctor last night, and our little guy is definitely still a BOY! I keep having people tell me that it could change, and I really had my hopes up for a boy. So we were relieved to know that 'he' is a BOY! Everything looks good, he was darling, sucking his thumb and kicking like crazy. It seems like it has been a long time since I was pregnant. Man, you forget things fast. This is quite a journey and we feel so blessed to be adding to our little family. I am 18 weeks, so nearly half way there. And his name is still undecided, but we are leaning towards Madden, since Ryder is still set on it :) He knows something we don't, at least thats what it seems sometimes! Anyway, I will post belly pictures soon.. (and yes, my belly is huge) I'm already having to wear maternity pants and my doctor Machel last night, said, 'Wow, you're really poking out'.... way to make me feel even bigger :)


Kami @ Sweet Charli... said...

Oh Jess, you are not huge! You look as cute as ever! I am glad it's still a boy! :)

Loveless Fam said...

Your trees are so cute!! Ryder is going to have so much fun with a little brother! By the way my parents ward starts at 11:00 and its the church on the main highway. We would love to see you and your "huge" belly. (I don't think you know what huge is!)

The Stanger Fam said...

I can't wait to see prego pictures! I'm glad everything is going well with the little guy. Your trees are way cute too!!