Wednesday, October 29, 2008

We're having a BOY!

Yay, we are so excited.... our little baby is a boy! Ryder knew all along, and he is really happy to be getting a brother. He keeps saying, 'he play trains with me'. He can't wait:) Last night he kissed my tummy and said, 'Mom, get baby out!" He was pretty upset that he couldn't come then! It might be a long 6 more months:) We are trying to decide on a name for this little guy. I like to have a name right away so I can actually call the baby something. We have a few in mind, but nothing set in stone. We like Jett, Cruz, Hazen, Hinckley, and Madden. Ryder is calling the baby Madden. That might end up being the name since Ryder is dead set on it. It is almost like when I mentioned it around Ryder, he already knew that it was his brother. It is kinda wierd... whenever we suggest something else, he says, 'no, my madden.' So we'll see. I'm not sure its unique enough for me. Let me know what you guys think??


The Stanger Fam said...

Yeah!! Another boy, Ryder will have a little buddy! I like Jett & Madden both, Jed's vote was for Jett, but it could be just because it sounds like 'Jed'? By the way, I love the fireman costume you made, I am way impressed that you made it, it is so cute!

Camille said...

I'm excited for you guys, and mostly excited for Ryder to have a little friend!! I love all of those names, I don't know how you'll ever choose.

Ticey said...

Congrats - I love boys!! I'm glad Ryder is excited. He'll be a great big brother!!

Kami @ Sweet Charli... said...

We are so excited for yoU! That is so funny you mentioned Madden because I was telling JOrdan just last night that I thought of a new name, Madden! But you can totally take it if you want because Ryder obviously has revolations! But all of your names are cute I think. I really like Jett to...anything you call him-he will be cute just like Ryder!

Jordan & Kara said...

Hey!!! Congrats on the boy!!! That is so exciting for you guys:) I hope you are starting to get over your morning sickness and all that fun stuff:) We missed you at the get together but hope that Ryder is feeling better!!! Have a good Halloween!!!

HeiDi SpeNdLoVe said...

Congrats on the BOY! We missed you guys the other night. About asthma, Trey has had forever, so we are pretty used to it. Dr. Watts has been so good with us. Trey just started on Singulair as a daily maintenance med and he has been on Pulmicort for a while for maintenance but we have to use it more in the winter. We use Xopenex for fast acting but I would also recommend Albuterol too. Because it is so dry here, try a humidifier in his room at night. Trey also see's an asthma and allergy specialist, Dr. Burdette. He is at Intermountain Asthma & Allergy. We see him once a year. He did Trey's allergy tests and found out that he is allergic to peanuts, egg whites and dogs. These things make his asthma so much worse. Don't take Ryder outside on 'RED'days. The air quality is horrible on these days and can make asthma worse. If he gets asthma with little things like a cold, he may have reactive airway disease, which is really common in asthmatics. I hope this helps. Let me know if you need anything else. I can get you the contact info too. Hope Ryder is feeling better and the pregnancy is going well. (sorry this is a long comment)

Unknown said...

Hopefully the Doctor is right. I remember Kristin coming home often and telling me stories about how Doctor's told there patients what they were having, and then at the 20 week ultrasound they were told by her that the Doctor was wrong.

Not to put a damper on things, I am excited for you guys whether it is a boy or a girl!

Mrs. C Lurch said...

YAY! Congrats SO much! I love Jett...that is by far my favorite, but all your names are great. I am so glad you took my advice and are adding to your DARLING family! Only 10 more to go! Jk. I hope all is well.