Monday, June 16, 2008

Discovery Gateway & My Birthday!

Well, it seems like we have had a pretty busy week or so! I wanted to go shopping at Gateway for my birthday last week, and we decided that we would take Ryder to the Kids Museum down there! Can I just say WOW! That place is amazing, if you haven't been, you've gotta go! He absolutely loved the place and I'll admit, Erik and I had almost as much fun:) (maybe more!)

Erik and Ryder gave me a Sander for my Birthday:) (nothing like getting power tools!)

This wall was magnetic, you put ping pong balls through the pipes

On top theres a Life Flight Helicopter, Ryder loved being in the pilots seat!

Spelling his name!

This was his Favorite thing, the water goes through all kinds of bowls, pipes, strainers, and its totally hands on!


Cami said...

I have been wanting to take Jayci there for a long time. I guess I better get out and actually do it! Looks like you guys had fun! Happy Birthday!

The Allred Family said...

Happy Belated Birthday. That's funny that you and Gavin share the same day :0) Looks like your little man had a ball playing @ that place. I can't wait till mine is a little older to take him to fun places like that!!!