So, talk about some major slacking. Should I just shut down this blog? I guess I have been crazy this pregnancy and forgotten to update :)
Things are good with us. No baby yet, and doesn't look like he is anxious to come. I have been trying to send myself into labor for the past week! McKay Dee is booked and won't schedule me to be started until AFTER my due date 3/6/11. I guess if I've made it 40 weeks, what's a couple more??? Little Man is measuring on the VERY HUGE side, which has got me and my doc a little nervous. She keeps saying things like, "How did you grow such a giant baby?" and "Do big heads run in the family?". If I go 2 weeks over, I am basically planning on an 11 pounder!
The boys are great, getting excited for Jett to join in on their adventures. Ryder is very into Ninjas right now, always jumping off things and wearing only a pair of underwear with a ninja belt. Madden is just into everything these days, I seriously cannot take my eyes off the kids for 2 seconds.
All else is good, I promise to update more. PROMISE. And cross you fingers for us that we have this little one soon, and that he doesn't come out talking with a full set of teeth :)